Iris Data Classification
List of Tensorflow 2.0 Tutorials
- TF2.0 - 01.Simple Linear Regression
- TF2.0 - 02.Linear Regression and How to minimize cost
- TF2.0 - 03.Multiple Linear Regression
- TF2.0 - 04.Logistic Regression
- TF2.0 - 05.Multinomial Classification
- TF2.0 - 06.Iris Data Classification
(Review) Multinomial Classification
Softmax Function (Hypothesis)
\[S(y_{i}) = {e^{y_i} \over \sum_{j=1}^n e^{y_{j}}}\] \[n: Number\ of\ classes \\ i: i\ class\]Cost Function
\[Cost(W) = {1 \over m} {\sum_{i=1}^m D(S(X_{i}W + b),L_{i})} \\ m: Number\ of\ instances \\ i: i\ instance\]Cross Entropy in Multinomial Classification
\[D(S, L) = - \sum_{j=1}^n L_{j} log(S(y_{j})) \\ n: Number\ of\ classes \\ j: j\ class\]Minimizing Cost
\[W_{new} = W_{old} - \alpha {\partial \over {\partial W}} Cost(W)\]Implement
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
print("TensorFlow Version: %s" % (tf.__version__))
TensorFlow Version: 2.0.0
df = load_iris()
dict_keys(['data', 'target', 'target_names', 'DESCR', 'feature_names', 'filename'])
x_data = np.array(, dtype=np.float32)
y_data = np.array(, dtype=np.int32)
nb_features = x_data.shape[1]
nb_classes = len(set(y_data))
print("x_data:", x_data.shape)
print("y_data:", y_data.shape)
print("nb_features:", nb_features)
print("nb_classes:", nb_classes)
x_data: (150, 4)
y_data: (150,)
nb_features: 4
nb_classes: 3
Initializing Weights
# Weights
W = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([nb_features, nb_classes], mean=0.0))
b = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([nb_classes], mean=0.0))
# One-Hot Encoding
y_one_hot = tf.one_hot(indices=list(y_data), depth=nb_classes)
print('# Weights: \n', W.numpy(), '\n\n# Bias: \n', b.numpy())
# Weights:
[[-0.10099822 0.6847899 1.6258513 ]
[ 0.88112587 -0.63692456 -0.1427695 ]
[ 0.82411087 -0.91326994 -0.4510184 ]
[ 0.58053356 1.3066356 -0.60428965]]
# Bias:
[ 0.38414612 -0.6159301 -0.5453214 ]
# Learning Rate
learning_rate = 0.01
# Softmax Function
def softmax(X):
sm = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(x_data, W) + b)
return sm
# Training
for i in range(10000+1):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
sm = softmax(x_data)
cost = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_one_hot*tf.math.log(sm), axis=1))
W_grad, b_grad = tape.gradient(cost, [W, b])
W.assign_sub(learning_rate * W_grad)
b.assign_sub(learning_rate * b_grad)
if i % 1000 == 0:
print(">>> #%s \n Weights: \n%s \n Bias: \n%s \n cost: %s\n" % (i, W.numpy(), b.numpy(), cost.numpy()))
>>> #0
[[-0.11743642 0.70453906 1.6225402 ]
[ 0.87678254 -0.62771267 -0.14763813]
[ 0.80348897 -0.8990887 -0.44457778]
[ 0.5725719 1.3110503 -0.60074264]]
[ 0.38213396 -0.61260384 -0.54663545]
cost: 3.9675086
>>> #1000
[[ 0.16433352 1.3574841 0.68781847]
[ 1.7573066 -0.6487719 -1.0071023 ]
[-0.8606213 -0.5406396 0.8610837 ]
[-0.19550529 1.0364839 0.44190007]]
[ 0.5655053 -0.43386927 -0.9087408 ]
cost: 0.40306073
>>> #2000
[[ 0.31688696 1.5321444 0.3606074 ]
[ 2.0306034 -0.699498 -1.2296748 ]
[-1.2645828 -0.59373426 1.3181392 ]
[-0.38164774 0.7259959 0.9385294 ]]
[ 0.6280675 -0.33476618 -1.0704058 ]
cost: 0.29343706
>>> #3000
[[ 0.42719242 1.6423255 0.14011964]
[ 2.222088 -0.7123837 -1.4082739 ]
[-1.5467921 -0.6306485 1.6372662 ]
[-0.51172817 0.4970247 1.297582 ]]
[ 0.6729265 -0.2532307 -1.1967993]
cost: 0.23829417
>>> #4000
[[ 0.5144236 1.717074 -0.02186037]
[ 2.3705711 -0.7091585 -1.5599803 ]
[-1.7671052 -0.6548329 1.8817648 ]
[-0.6135871 0.31790695 1.5785577 ]]
[ 0.7084192 -0.18307595 -1.302447 ]
cost: 0.20493008
>>> #5000
[[ 0.5868196 1.7708837 -0.14806792]
[ 2.491839 -0.6979823 -1.692425 ]
[-1.9482718 -0.67131 2.0794072 ]
[-0.697666 0.17082885 1.809714 ]]
[ 0.73791 -0.12065024 -1.3943636 ]
cost: 0.18246923
>>> #6000
[[ 0.648823 1.8113612 -0.25055158]
[ 2.5943112 -0.6827013 -1.8101772 ]
[-2.102253 -0.6829624 2.2450397 ]
[-0.7694064 0.04584497 2.0064383 ]]
[ 0.76319474 -0.06381484 -1.476484 ]
cost: 0.16624019
>>> #7000
[[ 0.7031186 1.842829 -0.33631983]
[ 2.683033 -0.6653318 -1.9162688 ]
[-2.2362247 -0.6914313 2.3874798 ]
[-0.83205914 -0.06300665 2.177942 ]]
[ 0.78535825 -0.01123109 -1.5512308 ]
cost: 0.1539142
>>> #8000
[[ 0.7514567 1.8679215 -0.40975812]
[ 2.7612686 -0.6469993 -2.012836 ]
[-2.3548448 -0.6977029 2.5123684 ]
[-0.8877303 -0.15955041 2.3301554 ]]
[ 0.8051083 0.03799404 -1.6202061 ]
cost: 0.14420128
>>> #9000
[[ 0.7950464 1.8883388 -0.4737722 ]
[ 2.8312438 -0.628357 -2.1014526 ]
[-2.4613101 -0.7024015 2.6235294 ]
[-0.93786424 -0.24637954 2.467118 ]]
[ 0.8229338 0.0844864 -1.684524 ]
cost: 0.13632807
>>> #10000
[[ 0.8347582 1.9052253 -0.5303759]
[ 2.8945463 -0.6097894 -2.183319 ]
[-2.5579088 -0.7059436 2.7236636]
[-0.9834962 -0.3253334 2.591702 ]]
[ 0.83918715 0.12870272 -1.7449929 ]
cost: 0.12980223
predicted = tf.argmax(softmax(x_data), axis=1)
real = tf.argmax(y_one_hot, axis=1)
def acc(predicted, real):
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.equal(predicted, real), dtype=tf.float32))
return accuracy
accuracy = acc(predicted, real).numpy()
print("Accuracy: %s" % accuracy)
Accuracy: 0.97333336
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Initializing Weights
# Weights
W = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([nb_features, nb_classes], mean=0.0), name='Weights')
b = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([nb_classes], mean=0.0), name='Bias')
variables=[W, b]
# One-Hot Encoding
y_one_hot = tf.one_hot(indices=list(y_data), depth=nb_classes)
print('# Weights: \n', W.numpy(), '\n\n# Bias: \n', b.numpy())
# Weights:
[[-0.10099822 0.6847899 1.6258513 ]
[ 0.88112587 -0.63692456 -0.1427695 ]
[ 0.82411087 -0.91326994 -0.4510184 ]
[ 0.58053356 1.3066356 -0.60428965]]
# Bias:
[ 0.38414612 -0.6159301 -0.5453214 ]
def logit_fn(X):
return tf.matmul(X, W) + b
def hypothesis(X):
return tf.nn.softmax(logit_fn(X))
def cost_fn(X, Y):
logits = logit_fn(X)
cost_i = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=Y) # Y: One-Hot Encoded
cost = tf.reduce_mean(cost_i)
return cost
def grad_fn(X, Y):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
loss = cost_fn(X, Y)
grads = tape.gradient(loss, variables)
return grads
def prediction(X, Y):
pred = tf.argmax(hypothesis(X), 1)
correct_prediction = tf.equal(pred, tf.argmax(Y, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
return accuracy
def fit(X, Y, epochs=10000, verbose=1000, learning_rate=0.01):
for i in range(epochs+1):
grads = grad_fn(X, Y)
variables[0].assign_sub(learning_rate * grads[0])
variables[1].assign_sub(learning_rate * grads[1])
if i % verbose == 0:
acc = prediction(X, Y).numpy()
loss = cost_fn(X, Y).numpy()
print("Epoch: {} \t Loss: {} \t Acc: {}".format(i, loss, acc))
fit(x_data, y_one_hot)
Epoch: 0 Loss: 3.812716007232666 Acc: 0.0
Epoch: 1000 Loss: 0.4028949439525604 Acc: 0.9133333563804626
Epoch: 2000 Loss: 0.2933638393878937 Acc: 0.95333331823349
Epoch: 3000 Loss: 0.2382526695728302 Acc: 0.9666666388511658
Epoch: 4000 Loss: 0.20490330457687378 Acc: 0.9733333587646484
Epoch: 5000 Loss: 0.18245039880275726 Acc: 0.9733333587646484
Epoch: 6000 Loss: 0.16622616350650787 Acc: 0.9733333587646484
Epoch: 7000 Loss: 0.15390338003635406 Acc: 0.9733333587646484
Epoch: 8000 Loss: 0.1441926211118698 Acc: 0.9733333587646484
Epoch: 9000 Loss: 0.13632096350193024 Acc: 0.9733333587646484
Epoch: 10000 Loss: 0.12979625165462494 Acc: 0.9733333587646484
List of Tensorflow 2.0 Tutorials
- TF2.0 - 01.Simple Linear Regression
- TF2.0 - 02.Linear Regression and How to minimize cost
- TF2.0 - 03.Multiple Linear Regression
- TF2.0 - 04.Logistic Regression
- TF2.0 - 05.Multinomial Classification
- TF2.0 - 06.Iris Data Classification